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HELLY HANSEN flyers - Best sales and catalogues

HELLY HANSEN sales, catalogues and flyers

Helly Hansen is a Norwegian chain of stores focused on the sale of sports apparel and accessories. With a long history in the market, Helly Hansen's headquarters are located in Oslo, Norway. Helly Hansen has a strong presence in Canada, as well as in many other countries around the world.

Frequently asked questions about HELLY HANSEN

How to save money at Helly Hansen

Saving money at Helly Hansen is very easy by taking advantage of the offers and promotions published on their official website. At MyDeals365 you will also find the latest deals and promotions at Helly Hansen. By shopping at the online store customers get free shipping on purchases over 100 euros.

How can I access the best deals at Helly Hansen?

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When was Helly Hansen created?

Helly Hansen was founded in 1877 in Oslo, Norway, by Helly Juell Hansen and his wife Maren Margarethe, who began producing jackets, pants and other fashion accessories. In the following years, the company underwent a strong expansion process until in 1914 the leadership of the company passed to the founders' son, Helly Hansen.

In the following decades, the company added a large number of products and entered new markets outside Norway.

In Canada, Helly Hansen landed in the 1950s and since then has become a brand with a high reputation in the market.

Is Helly Hansen currently open?

Helly Hansen stores are open Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 9 pm. Some stores may change their opening hours according to its location.

How to buy Helly Hansen products Online

Helly Hansen also sells its products through its exclusive online store, where customers can find a large selection of products at discount prices.

What brands can I find at Helly Hansen?

Helly Hansen is a well-known manufacturer of sports apparel and accessories, and therefore sells products under its own brand name.

Who are Helly Hansen's main competitors across the country?

Helly Hansen competes in Canada with other chains of stores such as Puma, Nike, Patagonia, among others.

How many Helly Hansen stores are across the country?

Helly Hansen operates in Canada more than 15 stores located in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Alberta, among many other locations.

How to get exclusive benefits at Helly Hansen

Customers can enjoy great benefits at Helly Hansen by shopping at the online store and receiving their products at home. In case of problems with any of its products, Helly Hansen accepts returns up to 90 days after purchase. On the Helly Hansen website, customers can find a size guide and laundry instructions.

HELLY HANSEN latest discounts!

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