
KARDISH flyers - Best sales and catalogues

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Current deals and offers sales

Valid until Oct 30
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Kardish flyer sales

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Health First sales

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Summer Wellness Guide sales

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KARDISH sales, catalogues and flyers

Kardish is a local, family-run business that works hard to provide the best value for the health and wellness products you need. The company stands behind its products and guarantees your satisfaction with every product we sell.

Frequently asked questions about KARDISH

How to save money at Kardish

There are many ways of saving money at Kardish. For example, you can browse the Sales section on its website to find discounts on various products. Also, remember to visit My Deal 365 to see the latest Kardish catalogues to enjoy the best promotions to save on everything you need.

How can I access the best deals at Kardish?

My Deals 365 brings you the best catalogues, discounts, and special offers from all your favorite shops.

Discover incredible savings on [groceries](https://ca-mydeals365.com/supermarkets/), [electronics](https://ca-mydeals365.com/electronics/), [furniture](https://ca-mydeals365.com/home-furniture/), [clothing](https://ca-mydeals365.com/fashion/), [tools, gardening supplies](https://ca-mydeals365.com/diy-hardware/), [cosmetics](https://ca-mydeals365.com/health-beauty/), [sportswear](https://ca-mydeals365.com/sport-recreation/), [toys](https://ca-mydeals365.com/kids/), and much more. We have one of the largest collections of catalogues from some of the best shops and brands in Canada.

My Deals 365 helps you find the best deals to save time and money. Find the latest discounts and offers at shops near you.

Visit [*My Deals 365*](https://ca-mydeals365.com/) today and discover new ways to enjoy your shopping experience!

When was Kardish created?

Kardish has a rich Ottawa history dating back to 1979. Its current owner Robert Assaf grew up in a Kardish store because his father owned and operated two Kardish stores. Robert fondly remembers his first job stocking shelves and working alongside his family. Over the years, Robert took on more and more responsibility eventually acquiring ownership of all Kardish locations with his wife Melinda.

Since then, Robert and Melinda have worked together to bring wellness solutions to a larger community across the region. Now with more than 50 team members, Kardish is the largest health food retailer in Ottawa.

Is Kardish currently open?

Kardish’s opening hours are from Monday to Saturday from 9 AM to 8 PM, and Sunday from 9 AM to 7 PM.

How to buy Kardish products Online

On Kardish´s website, you will find exclusive offers and discounts and sign up for its newsletter. The online store also offers fast delivery of products purchased, and professional after-sales service for all its brands and products.

What brands can I find at Kardish?

Kardish, Enerex, Siberian, AOR, WellBetX and Organika are some of the high-quality brands you will find at Kardish.

Who are Kardish's main competitors across the country?

No Frills, FreshCo, Food Basics, Costco and Walmart are some of Kardish’s competitors.

How many Kardish stores are across the country?

Kardish has seven locations across Ottawa.

How to get exclusive benefits at Kardish

If you want exclusive benefits at Kardish, you should subscribe to its website. By doing that you will receive free content as well as exclusive deals. Also, there are many ways of paying for what you have bought like debit and credit cards.

You can also follow Kardish on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram to get the latest information, discounts, and coupons.

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